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There are 27 individuals with the location Zerbst in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name Birth Death
ARENDS, Maria Sophia * about 1710 in , + in
     oo 27.04.1735 in Zerbst ROSENTHAL, Johann Christian * 27.06.1709 in Zerbst, + in
GERICKE, Catharina (# 4155 ) * in , + 01.06.1636 in Zerbst
JULING, Fred Bernd * 20.06.1951 in Zerbst, + 01.01.2009 in Zerbst
JULING, Helga * in Zerbst, + in Dessau
JULING, Walter Erich * 06.03.1913 in Zerbst, + 26.05.1994 in Zerbst
JÜLING, Albert * about 1920 in Grimme, + about 1985 in Zerbst
ROSENTHAL, (Sohn) * 26.03.1739 in Zerbst, + in
ROSENTHAL, (Sohn) * 27.12.1743 in Zerbst, + in
ROSENTHAL, Anna Sabina * 27.01.1689 in Zerbst, + in
ROSENTHAL, Christian (# 520 ) * 11.09.1697 in Zerbst, + 24.01.1745 in Möckern
ROSENTHAL, Christian (# 1040 ) * 24.11.1664 in Eilenburg, + 17.03.1734 in Zerbst
     oo 08.09.1716 in Zerbst VETTERS, Anna Sophia * about 1690 in , + in
ROSENTHAL, Christian (# 1040 ) * 24.11.1664 in Eilenburg, + 17.03.1734 in Zerbst
     oo 12.05.1685 in Zerbst WETZSTEIN, Anna Maria * about 1665 in , + 27.06.1695 in Zerbst
ROSENTHAL, Christian (# 1040 ) * 24.11.1664 in Eilenburg, + 17.03.1734 in Zerbst
     oo in 1696 in Zerbst UNBEKANNT, (# 1041 ) * in , + 11.12.1714 in Zerbst
ROSENTHAL, Dorothea Elisabeth * 25.02.1706 in Zerbst, + in 1706 in Zerbst
ROSENTHAL, Johanna Sophia * 29.01.1702 in Zerbst, + in
ROSENTHAL, Johann Christian * 27.06.1709 in Zerbst, + in
     oo 27.04.1735 in Zerbst ARENDS, Maria Sophia * about 1710 in , + in
ROSENTHAL, Maria Dorothea * 28.03.1691 in Zerbst, + in
ROSENTHAL, Maria Sophia * 30.03.1700 in Zerbst, + in
ROSENTHAL, unbenannt * 11.12.1701 in Zerbst, + in 1701 in Zerbst
SCHABBER, Andreas (# 4140 ) * in , + 15.07.1636 in Zerbst
SCHWALENBERG, Charlotte * 03.03.1918 in Trabitz, + 22.04.2007 in Zerbst
UNBEKANNT, * in , + in
     oo before 1967 in Zerbst , * in , + in
UNBEKANNT, * in , + in
     oo about 1980 in Zerbst , * in , + in
UNBEKANNT, (# 1041 ) * in , + 11.12.1714 in Zerbst
     oo in 1696 in Zerbst ROSENTHAL, Christian (# 1040 ) * 24.11.1664 in Eilenburg, + 17.03.1734 in Zerbst
VETTERS, Anna Sophia * about 1690 in , + in
     oo 08.09.1716 in Zerbst ROSENTHAL, Christian (# 1040 ) * 24.11.1664 in Eilenburg, + 17.03.1734 in Zerbst
WETZSTEIN, Anna Maria * about 1665 in , + 27.06.1695 in Zerbst
     oo 12.05.1685 in Zerbst ROSENTHAL, Christian (# 1040 ) * 24.11.1664 in Eilenburg, + 17.03.1734 in Zerbst
WETZSTEIN, Hans * about 1630 in Zerbst, + in
Last update: 10.07.2002
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